Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Biz Yenta Sighting: ITT Tech

I'm happy to announce that, at the end of this month, The Business Yenta will be giving the 2010 commencement address to more than 800 graduates, friends and family members later this month for ITT Technical Institute, San Dimas.

Here's a little film I made to celebrate the occasion:


I am honored by the invitation and the opportunity to offer hope and inspiration to these hard-working young men and women. I'm also delighted by the circle-of-completion here: I gave the commencement address before an audience of 2,000 at my own undergraduate ceremony 15 years ago at Sonoma State University!

Looking forward to joining my friends from San Dimas at this celebration!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Biz Yenta Must-Read

I'm currently enjoying Dr. Ivan Misner's "Truth or Delusion: Busting Networking's Biggest Myths." As the visionary founder of BNI (Business Network International), Dr. Misner is quite possibly the leading authority on business networking, and this book provides a quick-reference, often surprising coaching manual on networking best-practices. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just joining the game, Truth or Delusion will definitely nurture your inner-Yenta!

Have you benefitted from this book, or are you a member of BNI? Share your story!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Match of the Moment

This week I'm matching L.A. Basin manufacturers with no-cost Lean Principles and Supervisory Skills training offered through the Downey Chamber of Commerce. I'm getting a lot of interest from HR Managers who want to take advantage of this risk-free, essentially painless way to provide important training for their employees (without hurting the budget or negatively affecting production).

Both topics are being repeated throughout this month and October. Contact me to learn whether your team qualifies to take advantage of this opportunity.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Classic Match: Mortgage Lender meets Financial Planner

I was reminded recently of a classic Match from a networking breakfast I attended back in April, 2010. My friend whose expertise is providing a "financial-planning approach" to mortgage financing and real estate assets expressed that his current "dream" referral would be one or two financial planners who cater to exclusive, high-end clients. I told him I knew just the person and that, like my friend, she was a true professional with impeccable credentials and a reputation for displaying the utmost integrity in all her dealings.

Within two weeks we were all conversing in her office and recognizing that a wonderful Match had been made. The opportunity for long-term, mutual referrals had been established, and The Business Yenta went home happy.

Who would be your "Dream Referral?"

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Chamber Best Practice: "Match of the Moment"

The annual Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors retreat had already wound down to the last couple of pockets of chatters still finishing their lunch. As the Chamber's CEO and I reflected on the day's energy and productive results, the conversation turned to the Chamber's networking role.

"I've been working out my thoughts on this for a few months now," I offered.

"Here it is: 'The Chamber-as-Business Yenta'!" I excitedly proclaimed, eliciting curious smiles.

"Beyond the traditional role of promoting mixers," I explained, "Chambers are uniquely positioned to play a more direct, high-touch networking role, facilitating key relationships between business, government and other stakeholders."

"So I proactively take someone like Anne here (all names changed to protect the innocent!)." I put down my still-unfinished turkey wrap, reached over and gently held Anne's arm. "And personally introduce her to Karen (who also kindly ascented to my arm-grabbing ways)."

"Sure," chimed in the CEO, "we already do that."

"EXACTLY!" I cried "-but does anyone know?" Everyone paused, and I could tell from her keen expression that she was on board for the ride.

"What I'm proposing is that we begin actively celebrating these strategic "matches" -and so much more...."

To make a long story short, this forward-thinking Chamber is now discussing sharing its "Match of the Moment" and "Match of the Month" successes via Twitter and other online networking posts. What a dynamic and appropriate way to celebrate the measurable value its member businesses receive -and what a compelling way to provide prospective members with a tangible and exciting reason to join!

Friday, July 23, 2010

In Celebration of High-Touch Business Matchmaking!

Welcome to Business Yenta! As someone who has been called a "strategic relationship broker" by respected clients and friends alike, I am looking forward to sharing and celebrating the art and science of strategic networking and referral-making with you -and those with whom you'd like to do business!