Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Chamber Best Practice: "Match of the Moment"

The annual Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors retreat had already wound down to the last couple of pockets of chatters still finishing their lunch. As the Chamber's CEO and I reflected on the day's energy and productive results, the conversation turned to the Chamber's networking role.

"I've been working out my thoughts on this for a few months now," I offered.

"Here it is: 'The Chamber-as-Business Yenta'!" I excitedly proclaimed, eliciting curious smiles.

"Beyond the traditional role of promoting mixers," I explained, "Chambers are uniquely positioned to play a more direct, high-touch networking role, facilitating key relationships between business, government and other stakeholders."

"So I proactively take someone like Anne here (all names changed to protect the innocent!)." I put down my still-unfinished turkey wrap, reached over and gently held Anne's arm. "And personally introduce her to Karen (who also kindly ascented to my arm-grabbing ways)."

"Sure," chimed in the CEO, "we already do that."

"EXACTLY!" I cried "-but does anyone know?" Everyone paused, and I could tell from her keen expression that she was on board for the ride.

"What I'm proposing is that we begin actively celebrating these strategic "matches" -and so much more...."

To make a long story short, this forward-thinking Chamber is now discussing sharing its "Match of the Moment" and "Match of the Month" successes via Twitter and other online networking posts. What a dynamic and appropriate way to celebrate the measurable value its member businesses receive -and what a compelling way to provide prospective members with a tangible and exciting reason to join!

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